Standard Schema
We believe that a consistent wording of metadata (same should be named the same and different things different) is key to an easy integration of your content sources into enterprise search or into retrieval augmented generation. Therefore, we follow the following wording for our search schemas.
All connectors will fill a subset of these fields and the search interface will use these for rendering search results and filters.
title url parentItemTitle parentItemUrl rootItemUrl rootItemTitle attachmentParentTitle attachmentParentUrl lastModifiedDate createdDate allow_acl deny_acl authors creators assignee status itemType fileExtension iconUrl id keywords body previewImageUrl interactivePreviewUrl comment authorsMail commitId profilePictureUrl mobilePhone businessPhone jobTitle department officeLocation mailAddress userPrincipalName iconBytes city zipCode street country language position
Dates will in particular be provided in the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.