Deployment and Base Configuration


You can deploy the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite on a Windows Server, Linux or run it within a Docker instance.

Windows Server and Linux Deployments

The following describes the deployment on Windows or Linux

Make sure that the prerequisites are available, cf. Technical Prerequisites . Then start the deployment as follows:

  1. Download the latest version of the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite

  2. Unzip the package to a target folder, e.g.,

    1. /opt/rheininsights on Linux

    2. C:\rheininsights on Windows

  3. Register the service

  4. Start the service, cf. Service Registration

  5. Continue with First Run Configuration

Docker Deployments

For Docker deployments make sure to have a Postgres or Microsoft SQL database available. H2 is supported but might get lost when reinstantiating the instance.

To run the Retrieval Suite, e.g. execute

docker run --publish 443:443  --mount type=bind,src="<externalMountPoint>/config",target=/config -v  <externalMountPoint>/logs:/logs  <yourRegistry>/rheininsights-retrieval-suite:latest