Navigation and Search Application Name

Administration > Search UX > Navigation (https://applicationurl/admin/interface/navigation#0)

Within this dialog you can update the navigation and application title. Here you can also add a favicon and apple touch icon.

The navigation is shown within the search experience and serves as a top level menu. It supports our customers if they want to implement a consistent navigation experience across their applications.

Application Name

You can change the displayed application title for the search interface, as well as for the administration dialog by setting “Title”.


Here you can upload a favicon as ico file.

Please note that it is possible to also upload other image formats. However, ico as a png with a size of 48x48 or a multitude is an internet standard

Apple Touch Icon

Here you can upload an apple touch icon.


Here you can add navigation entries. These are displayed within the search experience at https://applicationurl.

The ordering of the respective navigation entries defines also the ordering within the search experience. In the example above, the navigation is RheinInsights - Intranet - Retrieval Suite.

  1. Adding an entry: By clicking on “ADD” you can add a new navigation entry

  2. Reordering entries: You can click on “move right”, “move left” to change the ordering

  3. Removing an entry: You can click remove to remove an entire entry.

Each Navigation Entry comes with the following fields

  1. URL - this is the link behind the navigation entry shown in the search interface

  2. Title - is either the alt-title for the logo provided or serves as the link text, if no logo is given

  3. Logo (optional) - here you can upload your icon/logo. This is then shown in the navigation.

Saving Changes

Please click on validate and save to persist your changes. Please note that validate will not check the logos or links provided but only carries out rudimentary consistency checks.