Illustration of the RheinInsights Suite

RheinInsights Retrieval Suite
More than just connectors

The RheinInsights Retrieval Suite offers connectors (aka crawlers or adapters), processing pipelines, query pipelines, a search federator and an Enterprise Search grade search interface for leading search engines.

Illustration of the RheinInsights Connectors


Our connectors efficiently index your content sources. They make sure that your enterprise search is a secure search, i.e., people only find what they are entitled to see in the source.

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Processing Pipelines

The suite comes with an extensible processing pipeline. Before indexing in search, you can make sure that key phrases are extracted, categories are automatically tagged or metadata just becomes mapped to the right index fields.

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Illustration of the RheinInsights Processing Pipeline

Illustration of the RheinInsights Search Interface

Search Interface

As a turnkey solution, the suite comes with a configurable and customizable search interface. Easily configure Entra ID authentication and configure a search experience for documents, people, recommended links or include your Q&A-Bot - powered by your search engine, secure search and your data.

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Query Pipelines and Search Federator

Deep search federation is an often demanded but seldomly implemented feature. We are planning to provide an easily configurable search federation where you can freely combine search results from all supported search engines. This means that you will receive combined secure-trimmed result sets and filters from all search engines.

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Illustration of the RheinInsights Processing Pipeline

Illustration that the RheinInsights Suite offers APIs


The RheinInsights Retrieval Suite is (also) meant for developers. The suite offers OAuth 2 powered APIs which you can integrate into your platforms and tools. This way, you can leverage the configured query pipelines and integrate the results into your Bot, your RAG-powered application or your organization-wide Enterprise search.

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