Illustration of a Bot Powered by the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite

Meet the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite
Retrieval Augmented Generation

Our Retrieval Suite provides everything you need for Retrieval Augmented Generation: enterprise search connectors for leading vector search engines, document processing, which cracks open documents based on your needs, and query pipelines for secure search.

Secure Vector Search

Our connectors pick up documents from your content sources and make sure that the vector search index stays in sync. Prior to indexing a configurable document processing pipeline is used to extract textual contents from binary documents, to tag these or to split the texts into sections, which are indexed separately.

This data thus becomes indexed in your vector search. Our connectors also provide access control information, as well as user-group relationships. In turn, you get a early binding security trimmed vector search.

Illustration of Vector Search

Query Pipelines Making Your Integrations Easy

Our query pipelines combine secure search with generative AI. You can use them via our APIs, for instance from search applications, bots or within custom plugins or leverage our search interface.

Screenshot of the RheinInsights Search Interface

  • After submitting a query, configured query transformers take care of intent recognitions, input language detections or keyword extractions. The resulting query, including an acl filter for allow and deny ACLs is sent to the vector search index.
  • Afterwards our result transformer jump into place. Besides mapping fields, result transformers comprise LLM prompts which rephrase and combine the results.
  • As a result, your application get the data which makes a difference to the daily work of your users.


  • Security-trimmed RAG
  • Language detection
  • Intent recognition
  • Query transformation pipelines
  • Tailored search queries
  • Result transformation pipelines

  • Gen AI integration
  • APIs to integrate in your applications
  • Tailored
  • Easy to setup and configure
  • Use RheinInsights and other connectors
  • Integrations into the RheinInsights Search Interface

Interested in a Trial?

If you are interested in a trial or a demo, please let us know!
