Illustration of the RheinInsights Enterprise Search Connectors

Meet the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite
Our Enterprise Search Connectors

Part of the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite is a suite of enterprise search connectors. These allow for crawling data and documents from your enterprise content repositories. The connectors make sure that the search index stays up to date so that you can build the best search and RAG experiences on top of the indexed data.

Supported Search Engines

With the connectors of the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite you can index data into the following search engines.

  • Microsoft Search with Graph Connectors
  • Azure AI Search
  • Elasticsearch
  • Apache Solr
  • Microsoft Cosmos DB H2/2024

Backbone of Great Search Experiences

Our connectors allow for crawling documents, wiki pages, issues, tickets, code and all sorts of knowledge. These contents become indexed by one or more of our supported search engines.

Furthermore, they make sure that user-group relationships are indexed. In turn, it is easy you can easily implement a secure search, i.e., search experiences where users can only find those documents in search, which they are entitled to see in the content source.

This way, you can implement great enterprise search experiences on top of your data. For instance, as part of the Microsoft Search experiences, by using the RheinInsights Search Interface or through our query pipelines in a bot, knowledge or generation use case, powered by retrieval augmented generation (RAG).

Illustration of the search vertical management

Reliable Indexing

Implementing a script which synchronizes a few records into search is easy. Our connectors go far beyond. They make sure that even in complex scenarios content is crawled in a reliable manner. The connectors use efficient crawling strategies like incremental crawls based on change logs, batching, multithreading and retry mechanisms to make sure that your search index stays in sync.


  • Scalable connector framework for millions of documents
  • Easy to setup and configure
  • One interface to manage all connectors
  • OOTB secure search for all combinations between content source and search engine
  • Robust crawl strategies for content and security principals
  • Flexible crawl scheduling built-in
  • Document and principal processing pipelines

  • Debugging and development made easy: State views which show
    • crawled documents
    • document metadata
    • how the metadata became transformed in the processing pipeline
    • indexed security principals and their relationships
    • timings
  • and more

Interested in a Trial?

If you are interested in a trial or a demo, please let us know!
