Illustration of a Bot Powered by the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite

Meet the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite
APIs and Programming Interfaces

With the APIs provided by the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite it becomes easy to build your own applications. The APIs wrap our query and RAG pipelines so that you can directly start with building you apps.

Jumpstarting your Applications

The RheinInsights Retrieval Suite provides secure search for all supported search engines. This way, it allows for enterprise search or retrieval augmented generation with your Confluence, SharePoint or File Share knowledge.

We want to make it as easy is possible building your own applications on top of the RheinInsights Retrieval Suite. Therefore, we offer the same APIs our built-in search interfaces uses. In turn, you can build your own search applications, for instance as part of your intranet, your own standalone search application, a bot or in your app.

Illustration of the RheinInsights Query Pipeline


  • OAuth secured APIs with Entra ID
  • Configure and call multiple query APIs - based on your needs
  • Work with well structured result lists and filters
  • Early binding security trimmed search built in
  • Standardized schemas for RheinInsights Connectors, which ease your integrations

  • Retrieval augmented generation
  • Analytics Q3/2024
  • Recommended links / bookmark management
  • and more

Interested in a Trial?

If you are interested in a trial or a demo, please let us know!
