Illustration of the RheinInsights Enterprise Search Connectors

Our Enterprise Search Connectors

Our Git Connector allows for indexing all versioned files from remote repositories. In turn, you can build great code search experiences, knowledge searches or bot applications powered by retrieval augmented generation.


Our Git connector comes with the following features.

  • Indexing of files and commit messages from specific branches of remote repositories
  • Supports all Git remote repositories
  • Full set of Git metadata as part of the indexed documents
  • Efficient incremental crawling based on change logs
  • User-based authentication
  • Filters based on branches and file types
  • Easy configuration

Supported Search Engines

Our connectors support the following search engines.

  • Microsoft Search with Graph Connectors
  • Azure AI Search
  • Elasticsearch
  • Apache Solr
  • Microsoft Cosmos DB H2/2024

Framework Features

  • Scalable connector framework for millions of documents
  • Easy to setup and configure
  • One interface to manage all connectors
  • Robust crawl strategies for content and security principals
  • Flexible crawl scheduling built-in
  • Document and principal processing pipelines

  • Debugging and development made easy: State views which show
    • crawled documents
    • document metadata
    • how the metadata became transformed in the processing pipeline
    • indexed security principals and their relationships
    • timings
  • and more

Interested in a Trial?

If you are interested in a trial or a demo, please let us know!
